
I recently read a really interesting and informative article called “Five Reasons Why EHR Implementations Fail.” My only problem with this post is that it focuses too much on the negative. Too many doctors (and all clinical staff) are looking for reasons to have their EHR fail and not enough of them are looking at […]


Government, With Billions In Loans, Bets Electronic Medical Records Can Improve Care The New York Times reports that electronic health records hold potential for major improvements in health outcomes for patients as the federal government puts a renewed emphasis on implementing and digitizing patients’ information. “President Obama’s economic stimulus included $19.2 billion for health information technology, […]

NEW YORK – Two health IT extension centers in New York state have begun work helping primary care physicians convert from paper to digital records. The centers, which received $48.2 million of federal stimulus money, are among 60 across the country that will offer providers step-by-step help implementing electronic health record systems in their practices. […]