Entries by brett@bammarketingagency.com

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What the Most Common ICD-9 Codes Become in ICD-10

The 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) is getting closer, and some physician concerns are becoming more concrete. Will it be difficult to get the codes right? Will including the new elements required in coding cause slowdowns? Will payment be affected? It’s likely that doctors will face some challenges with the transition […]

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Most Health Care Records Are Now Electronic

An ever-expanding amount of the nation’s medical records — millions of prescriptions, medical reports and appointment reminders — are now computerized and part of an ambitious electronic medical records program, the Obama administration reports. Since the start of a 2011 program in which the government helps finance new health records systems, doctors or their assistants […]

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ONC Offers Rural Providers Some Health Information Exchange Guidance

Made available through the ONC’s National Rural Health Resource Center, the toolkit provides a set of “practical” HIE resources designed to help rural health stakeholders, including State Offices of Rural Health and Flex Programs, rural hospitals and clinics, critical access hospitals (CAHs), rural health networks, and other invested parties, develop and manage HIEs. The toolkit includes […]

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NewCrop to Connect to the Surescripts Network for Clinical Interoperability

SURESCRIPTS AND NEWCROP TO EXPAND CARE COLLABORATION AND COORDINATION ACROSS THE U.S. HEALTHCARE SYSTEM NewCrop to Connect to The Surescripts Network for Clinical Interoperability, Enabling 30,000 Physicians Using 200 Different Electronic Health Record Vendors to Exchange Health Information ARLINGTON, Va. and HOUSTON – March 4, 2013 – Surescripts and NewCrop, LLC, a leading provider of technology relied on by more than 130 […]

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Take a Modular Approach to SnoMed-CT and ICD-10 Clinical Coding

In a new blog post, Dr. John Halamka discusses ideas to improve clinical coding documentation in 2013 ahead of ICD-10, which will arrive on October 1, 2014. In order to improve the extraction of data from clinical charts, Halamka suggests doing away with the patchwork approach of multiple transcriptions, typed, dictated, and template information, and progress […]

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Meaningful Use Stage 3 Recommendations Released For Public Comment

The healthcare industry has a much better idea of what Stage 3 of Meaningful Use may look like, now that the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT’s HIT Policy Committee has released a copy of its proposed recommendations for public comment. The 38-page document, unveiled at the committee’s meeting Nov. 7, recommends some […]

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Meaningful Use of EHR Systems Starts with Meaningful Training

The adoption of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) requires time, money, and most importantly people. An ongoing debate among health information technology (IT) experts currently centers on the lack of available health IT professionals and training resources. Last week’s meeting of the Health Information Technology Policy Committee Certification/Adoption Workforce focused on the challenge of […]